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December 03, 2006


Kevin Dewalt

Awesome point, Baris. I totally agree.

Unfortunately many people are in employment situations where they don't always have the freedom to publicly talk about what they do or what interests them.

I suspect that quite soon every entrepreneur will need a blog as well.

Baris Karadogan


You are right and there is a fantastic story on the cover of the last New York Times Magazine about how the government intelligence agencies are trying to use blogs and wikis to gather better information and collaborate better. They are very much experiencing the issue you touch on. Not easy to be open source in the intelligence community even though there are benefits of such collaboration.

The link is here

Kevin Dewalt

I think many people in companies also cannot blog. Most of the places I worked control their message very carefully. Just as you cannot start giving interviews to reporters on behalf of the company, many companies will want to monitor/control anything you publicly say that could be construed as reflecting the company's position.

A chip design engineer probably wants to blog about the latest in chip technology and use her knowledge to build her personal network. Hard to imagine that Intel would allow its employees to do this. Even if the company doesn't specifically forbid it, many employees will be totally uncomfortable speaking about it.

Even Google allegedly fired someone for blogging:

VC firms are very different in this regard. I expect that companies will start coming out with "policies" relating to employee blogging.

It is pretty unfortunate because ultimately the companies will lose a great opportunity to broaden their employees' horizons.

Small Business Answering service

Yeah, they are very much experiencing the issue you touch on. Not easy to be open source in the intelligence community even though there are benefits of such collaboration.

Ben Cliff

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