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January 09, 2007


Hakan Aydin

My 2 cents:

+ Thank God someone finally got rid of the clunky keyboards and made the entire screen a 'touchscreen'. No more writing SMS messages with a 10 key keyboard.
- I believe the $499 price tag available only if you make a 2 year contract with Cingular, isn't that correct? I haven't seen yet any info on whether they'll sell this phone as a standalone product. This makes some sense since one of the major features of the phone (browsing through voice mail and selectively listening them) is a Cingular-only service... I wonder what they'll do in international markets, will they team up with a single provider per country?


but what will clean-screen obsessed ppl like myself do? Will apple invent a screen that won't get finger smudges all over it? Maybe a screen squeegee can come in the bundle?
such superficial concerns aside, I can't wait to get one come June.


Exculsivity is common practice with carriers in the US, but since most phones are not simlocked outside the US, and regions are mostly GSM, I believe people will buy the product and plug in their sim cards. Europe Q407 is the iPhone launch.

They apparently did a lot of research when chosing what kind of glass to use.

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