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May 27, 2007



I always knew it that buying flowers to a woman was a total waste of money: thanks Baris for rationalizing it so elegantly! ;-)

On your last question, my answer is: religious icons (and the info attached to them). My prediction is that in 50 years the dominating religion(s) will be the one(s) that most capitalize on the digitalization of information rather than sending the highest number of evangelizers around...



First of all, you unearthed my first ulterior motive about the flowers, though virutal flowers may end up costing just as much. By the way, I don't know anybody whose relationship at one point did not have an issue regarding flowers.

Second, I think your second thought is big huge one. The Internet distribution channel has not yet been used to propogate a new belief system. It will, and it will be something better suited to the channel, than reformatting what we have now. Awesome idea.


Can you write something about virtual diamonds?

You might be able to help many young couples save a lot of money.


Would love to but, the atoms in an diamond have huge and lasting value. And it takes a guy with real cojones to buy a $1000 virtual diamond.

Matt Mihaly

Your assumption seems to be that growing flowers is inherently more deadly to the environment than the marginal negative effects on the environment that producing and displaying a digital flower causes. I have no idea if the assumption is true or not but it's not a no-brainer by any means.


Now way..Now way florists are going to end, because flowers are linked with our feelings. If its sorrow or joy, if its funeral or Birthday Party, they are the beautiful things always with you. Have you ever thought how flowers have been linked with our feelings? We link almost each & every feeling with flowers. The wonderful creations by god. Just take a look at few of colorful they are...

FLower Girl

yes you are are the most beautiful thing on this Earth...we can use them in sorrow as well as in happiness...i love red roses and tube roses.....

Thanks for sharing this site....


Any gift, any kind word, any friendly particle sent and received, even virtual flowers helps make the world a better place. There is a real need for every person to do something nice, something unexpected for someone else in the world every day. The thing about real flowers is that they also excite the senses. Colour, form, tactile, smell and something less easy to define. We have a web site at and not one photo does justice to the true beauty of a flower. Sending a photo of a flower to someone is just about the nicest thing you could do. Sending a real flower is the equivalent times 1000 at least. Colleen

Peter Jeff

well, according to me the gift of flowers is more than what we expect, its a momento of surprise, love, your concern etc.. I am not sure whether virtual flowers can take over to stunning fresh flowers that smells good!

Term Paper

I want to know about this issue.Its very useful for us I am very Thankful to you.I am waiting for your next post.

Florist Italy

Just wondering, if i can use this information for my research paper's project. However, i admire the way you present your words ... Thank u anywys..


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