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December 03, 2008



Brilliant. Did you switch the mouse buttons, too?


Intrigued. So, do you have a left-handed mouse at home?


I didn't switch the mouse buttons, right-click is still right-click and left-click is still left-click.

The mouse I had at work was a symmetrical Dell mouse, so all I did was move it from one side of the laptop to the other, no special hardware needed.

Kevin Dewalt

Great advice, Baris. I started following this practice a few years ago. It seemed to help.

But a couple of other changes helped even more.
-I learned how to sit cross-legged on the chair. For whatever reason that keeps my back straighter and reduces the strain on everything.
-I started practicing Calorie Restriction. I don't know if it is correlation or causation, but my pain disappeared instantly when I became skinny.
-ProbodX workouts pretty much took away all daily aches and pains.

BTW...the National Science Foundation has decided to fund ManyWheels. So my new start-up is rolling ahead (sorry for the pun!)


Awesome news with the funding. Make it last.

I am still a big fan of probodx


ТС: ++


I've got to try this! Great blog by the way. Love the web 2.0 company list. After seeing 215 tinyurl clones, I had an epiphany and almost started calling venture capitalists -- but then I checked, and is already taken.

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A very interesting post. I have to say that you have a brilliant idea. It let me think that I really have to be very careful and take extra care on what arm I am using. It made me laugh but I get your point. More power.

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am also working through the social media marketing trend and learning as I go. I have learned that for a small amount you can run ads on Facebook that will show up on the right hand side of the screen. I haven't used the feature but I do know business owners who have and they have found it to be useful. The more you spend the more your ad is visible. The less you spend the less it is seen. I am realizing that keywords are important in publishing your website. I am going to continue to change the words to see which ones work the best. People are finding my site on google, I believe through word of mouth and friends on Facebook. If anyone has any suggestions on how to make Facebook more useful I could use the help.

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Why are you beautiful? It sounds like the asker doubts that beauty is really there. The real dilemma is beauty is in the eye of the beholder. We can project an image of what we think as beauty, and for a man that is a real mindbender, but I know it when I see it. It is more than physical exaggeration of various body parts. There is grace, candor, and giving qualities to beauty. It’s like the tree in the forest bit. Is there a sound, if no one is there to hear it? I never give any thought to my own “beauty”, but it is a part of my life. I am a beauty judge. Everyone I see gets the eye. There is a computer value being tallied up, especially with seeing a woman. It’s God’s gift to men – and I thank Him for that. It may be the basic reason mankind ever pursued mathematics in the first place. When you see it, you want to melt.


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