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December 31, 2008


Matt Mihaly

Social games, in the form of MUDs and MMOs, have served as places for people to meet each other for as long as they've existed, actually (almost 30 years now). Off the top of my head I can think of four different relationships I had between 1991 and 2001 that started in MUDs/MMOs.



Very true. But thinking of those days, the game was in the forefront. One didn't go there to meet people but did while they were there. That may change.

Happy New Years.


All very interesting, but I find the political prediction the most amazing/impressive. Thanks to Barack Hussein Obama, politics is no longer a white-hair / board-room / closed-doors affair as much as it used to be. It's in-your-face, it's on facebook, it's allowing user groups to directly link up to Washington (and vice versa). Hopefully other capitals of the world will follow.

Cory Levy

Hi Baris - could you please expand on this thought: "RSS subscribes me to content. I need to subscribe to information"? Is this a 'social feed reader'?

I definitely agree with you that RSS needs to improve and there are huge opportunities in that particular space.



Thanks for the comment. I was thinking more of a semantic tool that figures out the information I need in the feed, or like you said a social tool that gets me to the information, not the feed itself. We all have too many of those already.


I wonder if these predictions have match with the real facts which have been in 2009

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